This post is different from my usual posts. It’s a collection of quotes about leaving the past behind.
I can feel your eyes rolling already but hear me out!!
There is a reason we need to let the past go.
Sometimes we have so much attachment to the past that it becomes hard for us to actually be in the present moment and enjoy what we have right here, right now.
Everyone has their own experiences, their own memories and their own traumas. If you feel that living in the past is affecting how you live your life today, then this post is for you!
Our Attachment to the Past Can Hold Us Back
You might have glanced at a quote about leaving the past behind and not thought much about it but there is a lot that can be learned from this simple concept. Quite honesty, it can change your life.
We try to organise our house, our space, making things clutter-free but what about our minds? Our minds often takes a back-step because others can’t see it – or so we think!
If your mind is cluttered with thoughts of the past, it can and will affect your present. It can make you feel trapped in your own mind.
Clearing the mind of clutter and old thoughts should be at the forefront of our decluttering duties.
Let the Past Go
One of our worst habits its being stuck in the past and thinking about what was or could have been. This does us absolutely no good. What happened in the past is exactly that – the past. We cannot change it. All we can do is create our todays.
That’s where our efforts need to be.
Why Quotes About Leaving the Past Behind Can Help
Sometimes we read a quote that resonates with us and becomes our inspiration for doing something in life. A few words can be all it takes to change our world for the better. If you are ready to the past go, quotes can often be the catalyst.
I hope you find the right words that remind you that who you are today is what matters. Who you were yesterday doesn’t matter anymore.
With the year that we’ve had in this chaotic world at the moment – and with a new year looming just ahead – I thought it was the perfect time to really reflect on what might be holding us back from doing and being all that we want.
Consider it a little mindfulness practice to help reorganise our thoughts so that we can see if we are holding on to something in the past. Is there something we need to let go of?
Quotes About Leaving the Past Behind
Let these quotes about leaving the past behind inspire you to focus on the here and the now. After all, the here and the now is all that we truly have so let’s make it count.

— Dalai Lama

— George Orwell.

Whether it’s letting go of a person, a thing, an event, an emotion, a regret or anything at all, let your mind be free of the past. Let it find peace and comfort in knowing that what once was does not define you.
Today is all that there is so make the most of it.
And if you needed one last quote about leaving the past behind to really get the message, here are TWO more. My favourites.

Make this new year about clearing the mind and living in the now. Tomorrow can wait.
If you have an inspirational quote about leaving the past behind, please feel free to share it. We can use all the inspiration we can get.